Moving, Living, Dreaming…

Boy! What a massive few months it has been. Let me recap:
June – Left my job & hunted for new places to live in Brisbane. Started packing. Realised I have way more stuff then I probably need.
July – Started a new job, commuted for a couple of weeks from the Gold Coast to Brisbane – blerg!
Moved into our cute new place, with Mr. Awesome (finally!!)
August – Unpacked (most of the boxes), worked, skated – it’s all a blur. Spent two weeks on an amazing journey to the centre of Australia and saw a side of my country I’ve never seen before.
September – Things are finally starting to feel settled and I’m writing on here again.

I have been moving, living and dreaming up a future I never thought possible over these past few months.
I’ve had a break from meditation and chakra cleansing. I’ve neglected my spiritual practices, but since my road trip out in the middle of Australia, I’ve come back renewed. I feel like I’m experiencing my life with more compassion and gratitude.

I think sometimes after a period of growth we all need time to just be, to sit in our skin and feel out all the nooks and crannies. I’ve spent time getting to know myself again and for the first time in my life I feel like I’m content. I don’t feel like I need to keep searching, studying, signing up for this or that.
I am letting go and floating through life for a while, it feels nice to not feel like I have to be somewhere or do something.

I can feel my ambition calling out to me saying “I was going to do that” or “I really want to do that one day”, but the sense of urgency isn’t there any more. FOMO (fear of missing out) isn’t dictating the direction of my life right now. It’s really nice to just be. I’ve always looked at people that weren’t striving for some big dream and wondered how they do it, how they live day in/day out without the ambition boiling up and exploding out of them.

Now I know, I’m exactly where I’m meant to be…

I wanted to share this random ramble with you, to hopefully inspire you to sit with what you have. Enjoy the moment and realise that you are exactly where you’re meant to be right now.


– Cass xo –