A Mystical Life

How often have you wondered what it would be like to be psychic; to be more in touch with those things in this world that we’re too “busy” to see?

I say “busy” because that’s what I think a lack of mindfulness is. You’re not home, you’re not centred, and you’re so “busy” worrying about money, thinking about dinner at breakfast time, getting caught up in all the is-ness of life that you can’t see what’s right in front of you.
You’re not really busy, but you’re allowing your mind to run away with you and whip you up into a frenzy over something that doesn’t even exist (the past, the future).
What if I told you life doesn’t need to be this way and there is something you can do about it now!?
What would you give to experience deep peace, inspiration and change at a soul level?

I’ve mentioned Belinda Davidson previously and I have to tell you she has changed my life.
Belinda shares her wisdom of spirit, chakras and life honestly and generously. After finding Belinda through Jess Ainscough – Wellness Warrior; I followed her blog and signed up for weekly FREE white light healings. When Level 1 of Belinda’s School of the Modern Mystic was offered last year, I jumped at the chance to participate. It was a challenging and rewarding process, that I’m so glad I was a part of.

Today I’m writing to let all of my followers know how great this program is. The School of the Modern Mystic is opening up again and I want everyone that has ever wondered about how to get their chakras rocking and how to discover their life purpose, to find out more about the course HERE.
Belinda and her right hand lady Kat Tepelyan (our supportive SoMM coach) are genuine women that really live/speak from the heart. The advice and support I received throughout the course, on the forum and through Q & A’s with Belinda guided me through any challenges and have helped me to frame life in a different way.
I feel that since participating in SoMM I’m stronger, happier and more at ease with life. When I first started noticing changes within me the only way I could describe the change was; like I had cobwebs & dust sticking everything together (mentally) and now it feels like things have been dusted; there is space, light and clarity within me.

Anyway, don’t take my word for it. If you have ever wanted to know more about living your soul purpose and how to cleanse and maintain your unique energy system, check out the free videos all about School of the Modern Mystic and decide for yourself if this is something you need to do for you this year.

*Full transparency – I am an affiliate of the SoMM, and as such I am rewarded if anyone  signs up after checking out the free videos via my link above (when enrollment opens)*

In Love and Light
– Cass xo-